2016 year
Excursion to Museum of Natural History of MSU for Board of SPE Moscow section
On 31th May after Opening ceremony of Office of MSU SPE student chapter an excursion to Museum of Natural History of MSU was organized for members of Board of SPE Moscow section. Repredentatives of Schlumberger, AGR Tracs, Baker Hughes, JSC Novatek, LLC LUKOIL-Engineering, Gubkin State University and Regional office of SPE in Moscow took part in excursion.
Opening ceremony of Office of MSU SPE student chapter
On 31th May Opening ceremony of Office of MSU SPE student chapter was held. Interior of chapter’s office was designed with support of Schlumberger company. Office located on new territory of MSU, in Lomonosov building.
Students of MSU SPE student chapter took part in West Siberian Congress 2016 (WSPC 2016)
During three days (23rd– 26th of May, 2016) students of MSU SPE student chapter Ershova Daria and Stephania Dobrovol`skaya took part in the 10th Anniversary West Siberian Petroleum Congress 2016, which was organized by Industrial University of Tyumen.
Join project of MSU SPE student chapter and LUKOIL Company successfully finished
On the 14th of April a series of open lectures “Oil: from the field to the consumer”, organised by Moscow State University SPE student chapter has successfully finished. This project was held in close cooperation with LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering", PJSC "LUKOIL" and LLC "LLK-International".
Students of MSU SPE student chapter perticipated in international congress "East meets West"
From 19 to 22 of April The International Student Petroleum Congress & Career Expo ‘East meets West 2016’ is held in AGH University of science and technology in Krakow (Poland).
Energy4me: Moscow State University SPE student chapter and SPE Moscow section organize lecture and excursion for school students of the Orthodox Gymnasium in the Troitse-Lykovo
At 29th March in collaboration with SPE Moscow section we held joint Energy4me seminar.
MSU SPE students visited headquarters PJSC "LUKOIL"
On Friday, 18th March, members of Moscow State University SPE student chapter, visited headquarters of one of the leading companies in Russia in oil and gas field - PJSC "LUKOIL".
MSU SPE student chapter and PJSOC Bashneft conducted joint school-seminar of young scientists
On 2-3 March 2016 at Lomonosov Moscow State University joint school-seminar of young scientists of PJSOC Bashneft and MSU was passed.
2015 year
Energy4me: Moscow State University SPE student chapter organize lecture and excursion for school students of the Orthodox Gymnasium in the Troitse-Lykovo
On the 18th of December MSU SPE student chapter in the framework of the program "Energy4me" organize an excursion and lection for group of students from Troitse-Lykovo Orthodox Gymnasium (Moscow). The main goal was learning about science and education in petroleum industry.
Open registration day of MSU SPE student chapter
On Thursday, December 10th, HR and PR committees of MSU SPE student chapter held an Open registration day in Lomonosov Moscow State University. The event took place on the basis of geological faculty of Moscow State University.
Round table between MSU SPE student chapter and PJSOC Bashneft was held in Ufa
On 9th December Round table between master and PhD students of MSU SPE student chapter and young professionals of PJSOC Bashneft was held in Ufa. The title of event was really important theme - "New laboratory methods of core and fluids studies during investigations of conventional and unconventional reservoirs".
Field trip section SPE MSU in the Research Center Schlumberger
December 4th, students of MSU SPE student chapter visited Schlumberger Research Center in Moscow!
VII Youth congress for internships results
November 13-14, 2015, an annual event VII Youth Congress for internships results took place in Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). The congress purpose was to give students of different specialties an opportunity to present reports about their internships. More than 250 students attended the 2-day Congress.
MSU SPE student chapter and LUKOIL company launched joint innovative project of lections about oil and gas industry
November 19th marked a milestone for SPE student chapter in Moscow State University (MSU)! An ambitious and grandiose project started in MSU: series of 10 broad and accessible lectures about Oil & Gas industry - "Oil: from the field to the consumer", prepared with cooperation of LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering", PJSC "LUKOIL" and LLC "LLK-International".
Representative of Moscow State University Participated in SPE International Stident Paper Contest During ATCE-2015
Master's student from Moscow State University, Yury Alkhimenkov, won the Master's Division of the Russian and Caspian Regional SPE Student Paper Contest in 2014. This gave him the opportunity to represent the Russian and Caspian Regions at the 2015 SPE International Student paper contest in Houston, Texas, USA, at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE-2015).